Fuge Camp 2022

Glorieta, New Mexico

June 14-20

Why Fuge?

For students, a week at camp is exciting, fun, loud, and sometimes even messy. But those things don’t bring about life-change on their own. Every moment spent at FUGE is intentional. Camp programming is designed to take students out of their normal routine and place them into an environment that is focused on life-change through relationship with Christ.

We will also be giving our students the choice to participate in either Centrifuge or MFuge.


This Year’s Theme: Matchless One

The Bible is filled with stories of ordinary people God used in extraordinary ways to teach character and truth. Through Isaac’s life, we learn about sacrifice. Joseph’s life shows us the hard-fought beauty of forgiveness and reconciliation. Abraham’s story teaches us about obedience and forgiveness. From Esther, we learn how to be bold and courageous and take risks. One person in Scripture is the full and complete embodiment of every good trait any other character ever displayed - Jesus. He is the MATCHLESS ONE. Join us for FUGE Camps 2022 as we study the lives of these well-known Old Testament characters and see the story of Jesus foreshadowed in their lives.


At Centrifuge, students are divided into groups for recreation and Bible study based on age ranges by grade completed

Recreation is facilitated within Bible study groups by a member of our trained FUGE camp staff, who also leads the Bible study. Each activity serves a specific purpose and is debriefed so students can make application in their lives.

Students also participate in Track Times. Track Times are created to give students the opportunity to participate in something with which they are familiar, or try something new! Students are divided into “tracks” based on a list of activities they indicate during the registration process. Fuge offers creative, active, performance, and classroom-based activities during these times, and each track is led by a member of the FUGE staff.


At MFuge, you will jump into ministry and serve in local communities

Highly trained FUGE staffers will take care of the details, lead Bible study and facilitate the planning for each day. At MFuge, Students are divided into groups for Bible study and ministry based on the type of work they request. Adult leaders from your church accompany Bible study groups to the ministry site. Lunch is provided on campus before groups leave for site.

During the day your students will be challenged and stretched as individuals; in the evenings, you’ll have an opportunity to build group unity over dinner, worship, fellowship and church group devotions.

MFuge is designed to give students a mission experience that opens their eyes to similar opportunities they may have to serve in their own communities, learning to live life each day on mission!


Total cost for camp is $400. We provide fundraising opportunities throughout the year to go toward camp. Scholarships are also available for those who are in financial need. A non-refundable deposit of $75 (going toward final costs) is due by December 31st, 2021.


Glorieta, New Mexico

Tucked in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains at the southernmost part of the Rocky Mountain chain, Glorieta Camps, an affiliate camp of Camp Eagle, has welcomed millions of guests since its founding 60 years ago and has been home to FUGE Camps since its very first summer in 1979.

Sign Up Today

We’d love to get you signed up today. Fill out this form below and we’ll contact you with all the information you need to sign up.